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1. Mordu's Legion Fleet Ship Price - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
crazy0146 wrote: Garmur - 80M - 120m Orthrus- 200M - 300m Barghest - 900m - 1.1b Drop rates for new items/ships introduced are higher than what they would normally be, so as to get the new items out into the market so that people can start u...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.06.05 21:18:00
2. Mordu's Legion Fleet Ship Price - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
in 2 hours worth of looking in low sec I found a frig bpc and a cruiser bpc so they aren't to rare that all im saying. right now its an amazing source of income
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.06.04 19:45:00
3. Mordu's Legion Fleet Ship Price - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
I know they are new and the prices are dumb but any guesses to what the price will balance out to? my Guess: Garmur - 90M - 150m Orthrus- 200M - 300m Barghest - 800m - 1b
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.06.04 19:31:00
4. Swap mouse buttons and invert mousewheel zoom. - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Option to change it yes a permanent change no! Being able to click in space to move where I want to go and move screen with LMB very very important in PVP
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.29 15:37:00
5. [BALANCE] Myrmidon (Prophecy) Drone BONUS - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Lidia Caderu wrote: Oh deer. Look at Ferox, its forgotten ship. Do you think nobody flies it just because everybody is ******** and not able to fly it normally? It has such a nice sniping role, but even those 3 people who uses it fit blasters ...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.29 14:59:00
6. PVE vs PVP - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
No PVP is good how it is because it takes tactics, and personal skill to win "small fleet / solo" PVE all it takes is the right ship fitting and the ability to watch a movie at the same time so you don't get board.
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.28 21:05:00
7. Sticky:The 'one-line bad idea' thread - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Reduce the HP of Geckos and release a few hundred BPO's on the market
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.28 20:44:00
8. [BALANCE] Myrmidon (Prophecy) Drone BONUS - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Lidia Caderu wrote: Let somebody instead of calculating huge DPS calculate usability and actual fits currently used in PVP situations Usability is a qualitative function of the individual not a quantitative function of the ship. CCP is not...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.28 20:32:00
9. [BALANCE] Myrmidon (Prophecy) Drone BONUS - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
I Think someone needs to stop trying to compare bonuses and percentages and do some math to prove unbalance. remember pure damage is not the only thing to consider you need to consider. DPS Projected DPS Tank Utility Speed and directly compare ...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.28 20:11:00
10. New Mining Mechanics: Multi Ore, Multi Methods - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Reviving this topic because mining needs to be improved please / sign and/or discuss Sorana
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.28 20:05:00
11. Why my friends didn't started to play EVE - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
XxRTEKxX wrote: I cant get any of my friends in rl to play EVE due to the physics in how the ships move in game, the click to move mechanics, and external viewing of the ships. They all prefer flight sims and fps type games. Valykrie will have ...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.21 19:42:00
12. New Mining Mechanics: Multi Ore, Multi Methods - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote: Unfortunately anything that you do to dissuade botting will make the process of mining sheer hell. It may be more involved to have a PI extractor head like interface but bear in mind most PI folks change their extract...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.21 17:42:00
13. Why my friends didn't started to play EVE - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Axe Coldon wrote: I agree. I have a son. He is impatient. If he can't get to the top level by the end of the month the game sucks and he moves on. He doesn't play eve. Too much work. Eve is what it is. It has a loyal following because there a...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.21 17:24:00
14. Make EVE more accessible - more new players - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Velicitia wrote: You mean like the Corp Recruitment forum, or the Corp Ad search thing, or the recruitment chat channel? They all have their downsides ... but they're all there. trouble is finding that "good corp" with all the noise generate...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.20 17:53:00
15. Make EVE more accessible - more new players - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Answers in order 1) Its being worked on watch Fanfest 2014 New Player Experience video on youtube this is an issue being address and has a whole team dedicated to the rework of the NPE 2) There are lots of very large corps full of new players an...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.20 16:01:00
16. Public Hanger Sharing - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Daichi Yamato wrote: this is exactly what corps are for. u can make a corp and only give the roles for a shared hangar to ur alts. or u can make a corp that only consists of u and ur alts. i believe the idea is that any system that facilitate...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.20 15:47:00
17. Please change color of null-sec navigation blocks. - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
-1 So I'm sorry but I have to be devils advocate here. There needs to be some room screw-up that's the joy of eve, learning from mistakes. We shouldn't actively stupid proof the game. I know this is a small kinda over ridicules stand on this top...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.20 15:40:00
18. Proposal: A new way to manage fleets. - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Agreed and in large fleets or groups of people I can see this being very useful but this needs to be something that default off because small fleets cant always accommodate those kind of restrictions but the FC may still want the option to suggest...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.20 15:35:00
19. Public Hanger Sharing - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
Its um a BAD idea because.... lol JK. No its a good idea and something that can be done as the player base request but until enough player base gets behind it its not exactly a priority feature to add over all of the other things that need to be ...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.20 15:23:00
20. Band-aid for the "40% just levels his raven": highsec issu... - in Player Features and Ideas Discussion [original thread]
I would like to reiterate because I don't want it to get lost in this idea. Miners need more ship progression. Bigger mining ships like an orca with a laser beam attached to its head (strip miner) would not be a bad idea. Well maybe yes it would...
- by Sorana Bonzari - at 2014.05.20 15:16:00
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